Technical Skills


app gif Contact Keeper Github

Two layer Crud App with Jwt Auth
FrontEnd:React 16.8,Context Api,Jwt Auth. Backend:Express,Node,Mongoose,MongoDb-Atlas

app gif Github Finder Github

Using Github Api,viewing and searching users and detailing them,using React and Context Api with Hooks

Site hosted on Netlify
app gif E-Commerce Backend/Admin Page Github

Written in C#.Net Mvc,Entity Framework and Frontend Admin page fully integrated. Stock and inventory management,customer management,order management,hashtags,invoice management,review management..

It logger app gif It Logger Github

One layer React-Redux-Materialize Crud App which can log IT issues,update them,mark and delete them when resolved,assign technicians and do crud operations on also them via modals.Express/mongodb backend.


Mehmet`s grasp of Asp.Net framework was a breath of fresh air during our work together after teaching many of my colleagues on the intracies of web development many years.He would be a perfect fit for any .Net project.
-Eser Ozvataf, Lead Software Architect at Setur

Working alongside Mehmet while practicing our stack on React and Node,he was a high-esteemed peer who was seeing the real purpose of these technologies and had good command over them.
-Arda Kılıçdağı, Development Team Lead at Hobium

Mehmet has a special ability to see the big picture and focus his attention to detail in complex code-bases.I can highly recommend him for the opportunity you have available,he will be a great addition to any development team.
-Emin Aksehirli, Senior Data Scientist at Twitter